Wednesday 28 September 2016

Why Eating While Watching TV Is a Problem For Me

Happy National Coffee Day! Are you celebrating with hot or iced??

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Ben was out of town for a little bit and since he’s back I decided to try and buy his love by making him steak. I’m not really a red meat person and I never cook it unless it’s for someone else. But it’s his favorite  so I bought a fancy cut of meat and looked up how to cook it properly. It is surprisingly easy and pretty fast to cook steak. Why didn’t anyone tell me before?!

I cooked up onions, asparagus and mushrooms and a baked potato to go along with it. He was super impressed and said that it was amazing, which I’m pretty excited about.

fancy steak dinner (800x450)

I made myself a big sweet potatoes veggies and eggs.

sweet potato dinner (800x450)

But because I eat so enthusiastically I somehow managed to BREAK MY FORK  in the middle of the meal!! You might love food, but I love food so much I break utensils trying to get at it.

i broke my fork (800x450)

Usually the biggest disaster that results from me eating is food on my shirt but this is a new low. Wow.

He brought me Manatee Poop from Florida for dessert so the meal ended on a high note.

manatee poop candy (450x800)


This morning I did a longer mid-week run. I ran 12 miles on my normal path, which is slightly uphill the entire way out. But that also means it’s downhill on the way back.

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I was super slow for the first six miles but felt super fast for the last six! I’ve decided to move to the top of the hill and just run down it all the time and take an Uber back to the top so I always feel fast. That’s a little running tip for ya – live at the top of a hill and run down.

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It’s super hot here today so I rehydrated like it was my job with Spark, lemon water, seltzer and more.

spark before running (450x800)

On Eating While Watching TV

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I used to be a big advocate for eating at the kitchen table without distractions. I tried to make an effort not to read or look at my phone or watch TV while eating. I know it’s important – especially for intuitive eating – to pay attention to your food and enjoy it.

But I’ve fallen into some bad habits lately. I started watching TV during lunch.

In my defense, it’s hard to work from home all day and not have any outside stimulation or interaction with people. I think I first did it to break up the day and have a little entertainment during my break. I don’t listen to music or anything while I work (I can’t concentrate) so this is the only time there is any noise going on all day.

I don’t think it’s that big of a deal because I’m not super addicted to it and I still pay attention to what I’m eating. I almost see it as an act of self-care because I was lonely and this helps break up the day. I started doing this when there was trouble in my relationship and my one friend was busy or out of town and couldn’t hang out. It’s okay.

So my dilemma isn’t really about the fact that I’m watching TV, but more about what I’m watching.

Grey’s Anatomy re-runs are on around lunchtime and I now find myself super into the show.

The problem is – this is the most depressing show of all time. Seriously. Someone awesome is always dying or getting their heartbroken or dying because their heart is broken.

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I cannot handle watching or listening to sad stuff. (Have I ever shared this here before?) But now I’m super into the show and want to watch it every time I see it on the guide. I even record episodes now.

What the hell is my problem?! I know it’s sad. I actually cried during one of the episodes with Denny. Why am I choosing to continue to watch?! I ams ridiculous.

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So I guess the biggest health lesson I can learn is: You’re not supposed to watch TV while you eat because you might end up watching some tragic soap opera or old episode of Grey’s Anatomy where Denny dies and then cry onto your food and make your sandwich soggy. The end.

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I’d consider quitting Grey’s but I’m not a quitter. I can’t move on yet…

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Other notes:

1. Advocare’s Fall favorites are available now! They have gingerbread protein bars and pumpkin spice protein powder. Their seasonal stuff and limited-time flavors always go really fast so if you want them get them now. (I missed out on the Pina Colada Spark flavor but luckily SR had extra and give me a few.)

pumpkin spice protein powder

2.  Prices increase for the Revel City Marathon tonight so if you’re interested in registering use this link for $5 off and you’ll be signed up under team Run Eat Repeat. If you like their Facebook page it’s an additional $5 off too!

Question: Where do you eat your meals at home?

The post Why Eating While Watching TV Is a Problem For Me appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.


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