Monday 27 February 2017

Eyelash Extensions versus Eyelash Perm and Tint

Hi! How’s it going?

Over here it’s going good but cold. I don’t like to leave the house when it’s cold so I’m extra proud of myself for rallying and getting out yesterday. Go Monican.


Okay. Today is not about running or eating or repeating. Nope.

Today’s post is about a huge crisis facing redheads all around the world…

Yes, it’s time someone brought this issue to the mainstream media. Redheads make up about 2% of the world’s population so this crisis hasn’t been addressed on most news outlets – maybe in Ireland, but I can’t confirm.

This issue isn’t just a ginger issue, but it’s very common with this group. It is = light colored eyelashes and/or eyebrows.

It wouldn’t be that big of a deal but unless you live under a rock without a phone you know that eyebrows are the most important trait to look for when making friends / finding someone to marry / getting your cat to like you. So my light brows are the reason I have no friends. (It has nothing to do with the fact that I AM VERY LOUD and like to eat other people’s food, nothing.)


I got my eyebrows dyed today. I also decided to get my eyelashes permed and tinted. This is a review of eyelash extensions versus eyelash perm and tint. If you’re here for running and eating come back tomorrow OR come over my house and we’ll go running and eating (but don’t complain about me being LOUD you were warned).

Eyelash Extensions:

Last year around this time I got eyelash extensions. I figured it would make it easier to get up and go when I was in Jerusalem. I liked them, but they require a lot of money and maintenance. The first session is about 1.5 to 2 hours and costs between $130 to $200. You get fills every 2 to 4 weeks (they say that but I think 3 weeks is the max when you have light eyelashes coming back in). Fill sessions take about 1 hour and cost $45 to $80.

eyelash extensions before and after

Overview: Eyelash extensions are fake lashes individually glued on to your lashes. They are thicker and longer than natural lashes and give a dramatic look. The lashes come in different thickness and length so you can get them super dramatic or more natural. They fall off either with your normal lashes or slowly fall off with wear.

It’s hard to wear eyeliner with them. You have to take care of them and not use any oil based cleanser.

Pros to eyelash extensions: They look like you’re wearing awesome mascara or false eyelashes. They give you a make-up look without having to wear any. It makes it super easy to just put some sunblock or a great beauty balm foundation with and lip-gloss and you’re ready to go.

Cons to extensions: Price and time. They are expensive and you have to make time to get fills. You have to be very careful when removing make-up and not use any oil based make-up removers. It’s hard to put on eyeliner with extensions (they seem to be a little in the way and you shouldn’t use a waterproof kind).


dog with fur


Eyelash Perm and Tint:

Eyelash perm is when they basically ‘perm’ your eyelashes so they curl up. You can also tint them which is just dyeing them black. You don’t have to do both. I think most people just do the perm if they have super straight lashes.

I wanted to do the perm because I have very long eyelashes but they are super straight. I curl them when I wear make-up but they don’t stay curled. When I don’t wear any make-up I feel like they cover my eyes with a shaggy dog with fur in his face.

So, I thought getting an eyelash perm would help my lashes stay curled and doing the tint would give my light lashes a little color.

I know it’s not great but I have to admit that I don’t like how I look without make-up because my eyes look kind of weird without any lashes to frame them. I don’t like that I have such light colored eyelashes and it makes me feel like an albino alligator when I don’t wear any make-up. This is just something that makes me feel like I should wear make-up even when I don’t want to. (I don’t stay up all night berating myself, it’s just how I feel.)

Today I got my eyelashes permed and tinted. It took about 1.5 hours but what a lot cheaper than eyelash extensions. I also got my eyebrows tinted.

eyelash perm before and after 1

eyelash perm before and after (2)

Pros to eyelash perm and tint: It’s cheaper than eyelash extensions. It gives me some definition around my eye without make-up. It lasts 4 to 8 weeks (depending on your hair and regrowth). So you don’t have to go back for an update (‘refill’) as often.

Cons to eyelash perm and tint: It’s not as dramatic as extensions so I still will wear make-up. I can’t put anything on my lashes for 24-48 hours (after that I’m clear to wear mascara and take it off with any make-up remover I want).

I don’t think they came out that great because my lashes still aren’t very curled. Since this was my first time the esthetician didn’t realize we should probably leave the perm solution on for a little longer. My hair is very straight (I don’t even own a hair straightener) and my lashes are very straight. I think they would be awesome if they were curled more.

Overall: I’m hoping the perm helps my lashes hold a curl and opens them up. I’m going to keep an eye on it to see if it was worth it, but I do think I’d go back to get them curled a little more next time. After another round I’ll decide if it’s worth it.

Question: Make-up. Are you wearing it right now?

The post Eyelash Extensions versus Eyelash Perm and Tint appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.


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