Tuesday 29 November 2016

DIY Alcohol Advent Calendar

Hi! I saw a Wine Advent Calendar online this weekend and immediately felt like the world was a better place. I researched different fun advent calendar options and decided to make my own with mini-bottles of alcohol. Check out how to make one below!

First, lets talk about the Roxican – she is a lovely house guest but is refusing to eat her dog food. She knows I have other options and is pretending like she doesn’t like her food. I’m not falling for it Rox.

me and the rox (600x800)

I went to Costco today to stock up on some 24 Challenge essentials. I threw out my scale a long time ago actually! But I decided to get a new one to get a before weigh in for the challenge and to just check in periodically since it’s hard to tell if I’m gaining weight when I just wear leggings all the time. Noticing how your clothes fit is a good way to be aware of any weight loss or gain, but it doesn’t feel different if everything you wear is stretchy!

24 day challenge prep 1 (800x450)

Okay, now let’s talk about this Advent calendar just for adults! I won’t be using it since I’m trying to keep it clean for the next few weeks.

DIY AlcoholAdvent Calendar (320x800) (2)

Advent Calendar with mini bottles of liquor (or wine)

Supplies: 24 toilet paper roller OR poster board cut and taped into rolls, tape, wrapping paper. cupcake liners, Sharpie, stickers or felt stick-ons and of course… alcohol.

diy alcohol advent calendar 18 (800x450)

1. Gather supplies – including the mini-bottles of hard liquor. You can find these at liquor stores or specialty shops. I also picked up a few fancy shots that came in 4 packs.

Step 1.5. Treat yo self with a  mini-bottle of your favorite liquor.

diy adult advent calendar (450x800) diy alcohol advent calendar 21 (450x800)

2. Paint or wrap tp rolls in colorful paper OR just gather up the 24 paper rolls you made.

Tape or glue 6 rolls in a row. Then, stack the rows and glue or tape together.

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3. Now that they’re all connected wrap the rolls like a present keeping the front side open.

4. Fill each tube with a little bottle of alcohol and/or a piece of chocolate. I decided to put two candies in each week so my friend isn’t drinking every night of the week. It’ll just be 5 nights which is almost less than half the week.

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5. Write #s on the stickers, attach to paper cupcake lines and cover the front side of the Advent Calendar with a numbered cupcake liner in each open spot.

diy alcohol advent calendar 9 (800x450) diy alcohol advent calendar 13 (800x450)

6. Pin it (because you were sipping that watermelon vodka and are totally going to forget this is a good idea).

diy alcohol advent calendar 7 (800x450)

Question: What would you want in your Advent calendar… chocolate, wine, hard alcohols, beer, puppies, glitter…

The post DIY Alcohol Advent Calendar appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

source http://runeatrepeat.com/2016/11/29/diy-alcohol-advent-calendar/

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