Friday 14 April 2017

Boston Marathon with Hyland’s Find Yourself Find Your Finish Line Recap

Hello! I am on a plane right this second headed to Boston for the Boston Marathon. Is this for real?

I hope it’s real and I’m not actually in a mental hospital where I’ve been living for the past 6 years after having a nervous breakdown after trying to run around the block on a hot day and since then have convinced myself I write about running and eating on the internet all day long.

And I dream up stories where I get  to do super amazing things like run in Jerusalem or run the Boston Marathon… but really I’m just sitting in dingy robe with ketchup in my hair staring at the computer reading Wikipedia and demanding my roommates take pictures of me running up and down the halls.

I print out the pictures and pin them to the wall in our cafeteria and call it Pinterest…


I’m going to just believe that I’m really going to Boston right now for the sake of this post. If it’s not real, humor me.

Over the last 10 weeks I’ve worked with Hyland’s Powered to share my journey of training for the Boston Marathon. When I got the call to join the team I didn’t believe it. I don’t think I’m a great runner or blogger – so I kinda thought it was a mistake.

Then, I thought – I hope they don’t realize their mistake because I am going to be super bummed!

I 100% don’t think I deserve this opportunity or a lot of opportunities I’ve received in the past. One time I was talking to a friend about being grateful for our blessings. It’s kind of scary when I don’t feel like I’m worthy of a gift. But one time a friend said in passing something her dad used to say “We don’t deserve it but we’re not giving it back”. And so I try to accept blessings like this with a grateful heart and try not to focus on whether or not I deserve it.

This struggle is part of my journey. It’s part of my journey to the Boston Marathon and it’s part of my journey in life. I am not the best, fastest, funniest, smartest, prettiest,  strongest… but I am me and I am trying my best to accept all my blessings. I am grateful for every single one – even the ones that scare me.

And all of that goes back to my mantra “Be Brave”. That’s been a huge part of my journey. I originally said it in reference to running 26.2 miles but I’m working on being brave with a lot of things in my life right now. <- had a huge light bulb moment on this two nights ago.

It’s been a very awesome and fun challenge to work with Hyland’s and share some of the runs, funs, food, secrets and thoughts on training for the Boston Marathon. Here is a round-up of my “Find Yourself Find Your Finish Line” diary…

Hyland's Powered Boston Marathon team challenge (533x800)

Hyland’s Powered Boston Marathon Team Challenges

Announcement on the Hyland’s Boston Marathon and video

15 Pictures from my long run

3 Steps to Start Running NOW vlog

week 2 picture 1

My Be Brave Tattoo Debate

IT Band Syndrome – my experience with this common running injury

be brave

My biggest running obstacle – I set for myself!

My favorite running souvenir of all time

why i run 3

Marathon & Half Marathon Race Day Checklist

My Boston Marathon Strategy in 4 parts

Thoughts 2 weeks out from Boston Marathon vlog

be brave

Speaking of being brave… the last few weeks have been super stressful behind the scenes in RERland. I started to feel my throat get scratchy yesterday and today I just feel tired and nauseous. I’m downing vitamin C and am going to try and get a lot of rest. With everything going on with my mind and body I feel like my immune system couldn’t take it anymore and just kinda waved the white flag. And I’m sure flying from Southern  California to Boston isn’t going to help. So just keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you <3

Follow me on Instagram  /  Facebook  /  Twitter for updates on the #BostonMarathon this weekend. The race is Monday.

I’ll be updating social media faster than the blog  so follow/comment/tag if you want to stay in touch. And I’ll do full updates on RER with recaps later. After the race I’m doing two short events on the east coast so I might be a few days behind on posting.

Question: What are you doing this weekend?!

It’s Easter on Sunday but I’ll be in Boston so I think I’m going to hunt for chocolate eggs at the store and hide them in my belly.


I’m working with Hyland’s to share my journey of training for the Boston Marathon as part of their Hyland’s Team Challenge. All opinions are my own. The links above all reference posts that are in partnership with Hyland’s.

The post Boston Marathon with Hyland’s Find Yourself Find Your Finish Line Recap appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.


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