Thursday 13 April 2017

This Post Contains Graphic Images and Squatty Potties but it’s not that bad because my Grandma is here

Hello! I had two recipe posts up back to back and feel like we haven’t just hung out. How’s it going? Over here it is kinda crazy because I’m leaving for the Boston Marathon tomorrow!! I started talking about it so long ago it just seemed so far off. Then, suddenly it’s here and I need to pack.

Vegas was not super interested in my Boston Marathon passport… They mail everyone a packet of info you have to take to the expo – that’s not common for races. Usually you just look up your number and show up with an ID to get it. There has been a lot more emails with information and 2 mailers now that are very fancy and exciting.

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He rubbed his face on it as a sign of support (that, or he just likes to scratch his face).

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My day started with the usual run and eat… I ran 10 miles at a medium pace and felt good. I wish I would have run another long run before Boston. I don’t think I have the stamina for a strong full marathon right now. But, I’m going to try and just run my race and take in the experience.

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I made an epic salad for lunch and then headed to my parent’s house.

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I hung out with my mom and then we went to visit my Grams. She told me she’s not supposed to have coffee, tea, chocolate or alcohol – those are all the best things! She agrees. But – she has a box of cookies and some of them have chocolate on them so I think she bends the rules a little.

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She showed me her fancy rosary that has a Saint on each bead.

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After the visit we went back to my parents’ where I raided the entire kitchen for snacks. They have the best treats!

I have a piece of pan dulce while enjoying Roxy’s company.

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I left the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cereal from the Easter Egg Hunt at my parents’ but took it back because they weren’t eating it. I actually really like it!

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And this is super weird – I was craving red meat, which never happens (okay maybe it happens once a year?). Anyway. I went with it and made hamburgers. (I’m not opposed to eating red meat I just legit only make it 2 times a year or something.)

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And I took this Reese’s PB Cup egg from somewhere with a candy dish that I can’t remember now and it’s really bugging me…

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And you know how I’m obsessed with Manager’s Specials and sales and all that stuff?!

Well, I spotted a Squatty Potty in the clearance section of the grocery store and was so excited! I’ve been wanting one of these for so long. Boom.

Have you heard of it? This has been on my radar for years. It’s a stool that helps you get ideal position for going to the bathroom. We can discuss later.

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Okay. This isn’t really a graphic image – but I know some of you get super grossed out when I show blood or a blister or stuff like that.

You’ve been warned – close out now and we can hang out again tomorrow. (It’s really not that bad but I know SR will be squeamish.)

This afternoon I was actually trying to not be a complete mess and started to unload the dishwasher so I could put my lunch dishes in there. Go Monican. As I opened the door to the machine and pulled out the bottom shelf a huge knife catapulted toward my hand!!?! It all happened so fast I didn’t realize what was going on until the knife was laying on the dishwasher door and the back of my hand started to bleed.

I guess the knife got stuck on the top shelf and when I pulled out the bottom one it flung towards me. Thankfully I didn’t try to grab it or it didn’t land on my foot and cut off one of my toes.

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And yes, I know you’re not supposed to put knives in the dishwasher. Now I’ll follow that rule.

Question: Do you have / want a Squatty Potty?

Do you think I need stiches?

So you want a hamburger?

The post This Post Contains Graphic Images and Squatty Potties but it’s not that bad because my Grandma is here appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.


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