Wednesday 24 May 2017

I Have No Business Trying to Run Blog

Alternate title: This is why I don’t have friends.

I don’t know if you’re aware but I run a lil blog called Run Eat Repeat. It’s about running and um, eating.

running and food blog (1)

I started it on a whim many moons ago because I wanted to document training for my first marathon. And then for some odd reason I’ll never understand… people (besides my mom) read it. So, I kept doing it because I wanted to F-around when I should have been studying or working.

Slowly (just like my running) this lil blog turned into a semi-legit website and I spend most of my time running, eating, blogging about running & eating, updating social media, working with sponsors, reviewing gear… etc

I was chatting with a new friend recently and they didn’t ‘get’ what I actually do when I said I’m a blogger,  “Yeah, but what does that mean – what do you do?”

I joked, “I take selfies for a living.”

I was kidding but it’s kinda true because this is visual medium and I need pictures to update RER and Instagram. Thankfully there’s a lot more to it than that because I SUCK at selfies while running right now.

Last week I snapped a selfie at the turn around point of my run and was going to post it when I got home. I was just about to ‘gram it when  the delivery guy knocked on the door. I got my package and was just about to press “Share” when I realized…


Yes, I was thisclose to posting a selfie with a booger not just hanging out of my nose –  but full on smashed all over. (I’m also really bad at noticing details so don’t expect me to say anything if you get a haircut.)

Ugh. Gross Monican! What is your deal? I decided not to post it, but thought it was really funny… so um, here is one of the pics that only barely shows it in case you get grossed out.

this is why i have no friends 16 (460x613)

This weekend I had a really good long-ish run. I stopped at the turn around point to take a picture of the landscape – it was gorgeous! This time I skipped the runfie (run selfie). I had learned my lesson with that! Nope. No pics!

i have a running blog (800x600)

There were a lot of cyclists out and a super cute older couple started talking to me. They were adorable and when another cyclist came up and the lil lady told me about his recent bike trip across the US! We talked for a while. It was nice and I want to be their friends!

When I got home I went straight to the kitchen to get water. Then, I passed by a mirror and saw…


I must have scratched the pimple on my face at some point on my run and made it bleed. Then, I met some new friends (who probably think I’m a leper) and ran home.

I wiped it off and tried to debate what’s worse – a booger or blood?

And I decided to just lay on the floor with my only friend and take a cat nap… (this was after I cleaned it up, but you can still see the mark)

this is why i have no friends 12 (460x613)

Moral of the story: ANYONE can run a blog even if you are literally the worst selfie taker, not-so-great runner, have a gluten-full diet, post your outfit of the day because you’re just excited your clothes match, eat half your food before getting a picture… as long as you don’t mind posting it on the internet machine.

The end.

Question: What is worse – Boogers or Blood?

The post I Have No Business Trying to Run Blog appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.


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