Sunday 25 December 2016

Ugly Sweater ProCompression Socks Blog

Hello! Merry Christmas!! Happy Hanukkah! How are you? Celebrating right now (but taking a break from your family checking your phone)? Act like this is a work email.

Here’s a little peek into my Christmas Eve – it’s been full of running and eating and repeating a lot of last minute errands and wrapping that popped up.

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It’s super cold in the morning so I stalled for a bit checking Instagram and Facebook while the sun came up before I ran.

I made hot coffee, iced coffee and Spark. I like a lot of beverages.

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Finally I was brave enough to head outside for 12 miles. The good thing about winter (at least in SoCal) is the colder temps make it a little easier to run long distance. My hands were cold but it wasn’t super bad after a mile of warming up.

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I was sporting the new Ugly Sweater style Pro Compression socks to celebrate Christmas Eve. This is such a fun idea!

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Last night I went out to dinner at a Peruvian place. We had an interesting appetizer of cold cheese sauce on top of pieces of potato. It was good, but not what I was expecting by the description. I’m down for anything that involves potato though.

And I got a tamale because I am seriously craving them right now! Tamales are the best seasonal food for Mexicans, or at least Monicans.

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Today after my run and eat I got to Operation: Lasagna

I actually haven’t been home for Christmas in years.

(Note: I was home 2 years ago, but that was weeks after Ben and I had a split situation and it was a really rough, weird time for me so I was kinda here and kind of not. Just clarifying in case anyone remembers that random holiday and want to share that some years are rough but we get through them.)


I haven’t been home for Christmas in years and all I want to eat is tamales. But my mom said they had basically OD-ed on tamales and wanted something else. So it popped in my head to make lasagna and I was suddenly on a mission. I spent time looking for other ideas, but was really set on lasagna for some reason.

I decided to make Pioneer Woman’s Best Lasagna Recipe. It is easy to follow and has ingredients I was familiar with. Plus, she is really the best cook/blogger/baker/redhead/ cinnamon roller recipe writer (I made them last year and they were a big hit).

I’m really excited about this, but it did make a my tiny kitchen a disaster area.

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Once the meat and noodles were done it was time to assemble! I think I’ve made lasagna before, but I can’t remember for sure. Hmmm.

I laid out all the noodles per PW’s directions and got to stacking. It was easy, but time consuming and messy. Luckily it wasn’t anything  major.

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I don’t have a picture of the final product but the pan is super heavy. We’re going to bake it for dinner tomorrow.

I also wrapped presents. That required a little inspiration in the form of vodka and mango sparkling ice.

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And I opened up my tupperware with “Winter Clothes” just in time! I totally forgot what was in there. I found a bunch of sweaters I hadn’t thought about in a year and a few holiday dresses. This simple red dress is super flattering, which is really my only requirement before I decide to wear something.                                                     

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I’m hoping Santa brings you everything you’ve ever dreamt about. I just want some sleep.

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Question: What are you doing this holiday? Do you see your family on Christmas Eve?

The post Ugly Sweater ProCompression Socks Blog appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.


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