Sunday 18 December 2016

You Know What’s Better Than a Cookie Party…

Hello! How’s it going? Over here it’s going COLD. What is up with that? Luckily I have my love wine to keep me warm. Which reminds me – what is better than a cookie exchange party?

A cocktail exchange party.

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I feel like this is probably a real thing, I just don’t have friends.

Which means, I don’t have friends that have cocktail or cookie or whatever exchange parties. So I have to

a.) make friends and

b.) make sure those friends are as big of fans of alcohol as your local Monican.

Luckily, I spotted a Groupon last week for a big wine delivery deal!! I thought I should get some in case.

Oh, that’s a typo – not in case of anything in particular… I meant I should get some wine in a case. A whole big case of it!

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Surprisingly – it came within two days! What? This is the best.

Now I’m making some holiday sangria. Stay tuned for that!

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Okay. So there are a few things you might know about your Monican if you’ve been reading RER for a while…

A.) she is a redheaded Mexican, so that’s weird to begin with

B.) she likes to run and eat

C.) her least favorite things are being COLD, being hungry and being tired. In that order.

Well, too bad Monica because it’s cold in southern California this weekend. I was 38 degrees when I went to run on Saturday morning. Ouch.

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I stalled as long as I could for the sun to come up and make it a little warmer. Vegas and I hung out on the couch checking Instagram for a while. Then, I decided to be brave and head out for a run.

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I busted out a wide headband to use as ear covers for my run. It’s technically a yoga headband and made of soft material (not the usual wick-wear kinda stuff). It was perfect as ear covers and stayed put and didn’t bug at all.

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The good thing about cold weather is that it’s great for running! After I got over the initial coldness it felt really good to run in the cold. (Yes, cold is a relative term and this probably isn’t cold to you legit winter runners.)

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I did 12 miles and finished the Breakdown Season 2 podcast. Can we talk about this now? In the next post – let’s chat it up! I want to discuss. I need a therapy session or wine night or just some kind of dialogue to process everything.

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When I got back Ben had just finished cooking a big ol’ pan of tortillas and eggs and turkey sausage and I don’t know what else.

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Sunday morning there was full on FROST on the bridge crossing the path I run along. FROST. Like, full on ice. In So Cal.

I mean, c’mon OC – I already pay $5.00 / gallon of gas, live in a shoebox w/ an association fee with no perks, am always the least attractive person in the store, have to get a spray tan to be allowed out in public… all of that I’ve come to accept. But I draw that line at it being cold enough that frost forms on the ground.

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Seriously though – be careful out there. This happened once or twice last year and I saw someone on a bike completely slip on this bridge. Be extra cautious. Stop and walk anywhere it’s slippery. It’s not worth falling and potentially really getting hurt.

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If you want to get on board with chatting about Breakdown we’ll do that next time. But if you still need to listen it’s Breakdown Season 2 by the Atlantic Journal-Constitution. I have the Stitcher App on my phone and downloaded it from there. Just get the app and search “Breakdown” and then download the season 2 episodes. It’s free.

Question: What’s the weather where you are today?

The post You Know What’s Better Than a Cookie Party… appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.


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