Thursday 1 June 2017

Help Settle this Peanut Butter jar Debate

Hi! I need your help on a very important debate involving peanut butter and arguing with my mom – two of my favorite things. (Kidding.)

I went over my parents’ house this weekend. They are the best because they managed to raise me to be about 2% normal and because they had ceviche.

At some point in my little visit I saw this (huge) Peanut Butter jar on the counter – filled with soapy water. What?

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After some intense questioning (mostly fueled by the fact that I knew I could have scraped a lot of that PB out with a spoon and had a nice lil snack)  I found out that my mom was washing the PB jar. Um, okay… why?

She washes the peanut butter jars before putting them in the recycle bin. She insists that this is pretty common and necessary.

I disagree.

She thinks most people wash out things like PB jars before recycling them.

I get 98% of the PB out of the jar with a spoon so this is really unnecessary for me. But even if you don’t spend extensive amounts of time with getting every last drop of PB out of the jar – I think it’s unnecessary.

My theory is that the recycle place has to clean everything anyway so double washing actually wastes water.

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I Googled it for more information…

and it turns out a lot of people ask about how to clean out PB jars or if they have to. We’re in this together! Don’t you feel like this is a bonding moment? We all need to recycle and eat PB. But do we also need to wash the PB jars??



How do you get peanut butter out of the jar for recycling?

Monican’s answer: Eat it. Scrape it out with a long iced tea spoon.


But  there are specific rules for different areas. So ask your local recycle-ologist or mayor or priest or whoever is in charge of the recycling program in your area.


Speaking of random food stuff from my parents’ – they had ceviche and added avocado to it. Do that.

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And I think I found the most amazing 99 cent store deal of my entire life… a whole case of coffee pods!!! This is crazy. I bonded with a fellow 99 cent store shopper over this. We both went to grab a cart and I got one for my parents and one for my brother

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Before I hit up my parents’ this weekend I ran 16 miles. It was my first run longer than 13.1 miles in a long time.

It’s been hard for me to run long outside of a race situation. I like running races as long runs or training runs but I don’t feel ready for 26.2 miles. I wish there was more 20 mile races.

Anyway. I’m building my mileage back up because there are a lot of Fall marathons in southern California (um, and a lot of other places actually). So I’m grabbing my lil Today’s Planner and sticking to it.

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During the week I was thinking about donuts a lot. Sometimes this happens more often or intense than other times.

I couldn’t get it out of my mind so I decided to go big and  get 6 donuts. All for me.

Okay, the Boston Crème pie one wasn’t for me – I took that one to my dad. And I shared the rest of them with my fam. Boom.

My #1 pick is the fluffy glazed. My local donut place makes a really good blueberry donut too. And that orange one is really good too… do all donut places have these options?

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My best life advice part 1:

1. Put your donut in the microwave for a few seconds (not too long).

2. Have gift cards on hand from a local grocery store or fast good place to hand out if you see someone asking for food or money.

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3. to be continued…

Poll: Do you wash or rinse out Peanut Butter jars (or similar items) before recycling?

The post Help Settle this Peanut Butter jar Debate appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.


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