Saturday 10 June 2017

Kickstarter to Save the Redheads

Hey! Did you know red hair only occurs in about 2% of the population?

And I’m not really helping the situation because I don’t have any baby making plans in the near future. Which got me thinking – I need to start a KickStarter to Save the Redheads!!!

freezing eggs in orange county (800x671)

But by “Kickstarter to save the redheads” I mean…

save this redhead’s …. eggs? Maybe.

redheads going extinct

Recently I got the idea to look into freezing my eggs. There were a couple of different things that happened to put this idea in my head. But I really knew nothing about this.  The other night I randomly decided to research places that offer egg freezing or ‘fertility preservation’ in Orange County.

This is all just initial research. I am not saying that I’m doing this.

But I know it’s better to have all the information on my options before deciding whether or not to do something huge like this. So, I looked up what the process is, how much it costs, what are the odds of it ‘working’ and other questions I had.

I ended up filling out a form on one of the OC fertility specialists’ website and they called me the next day. Since I had not looked into this at all until very recently I had a ton of questions and just wanted to talk to someone about it. The nice lady on the phone suggested I come in for a consultation to talk with the nurse practioner and she’d go over everything with me.

I didn’t expect to actually to act on any of this for a while, but I couldn’t find the answers to all my questions online. And I couldn’t find a lot of blogs or personal stories of women who have frozen their eggs. And I really wanted to connect with people who have done this and read or hear their stories on the process and experience.

So, I went for an initial consultation. I got a TON of information and an exam to check out my follicles.

egg freezing orange county 5 (800x600)

I snapped a pic in the bathroom of the fertility place. I was super overwhelmed at the time…

egg freezing orange county 7 (460x613)

And I was so nervous I would have guessed my blood pressure would have been through the roof! It’s usually in the high 90s, so this is basically me having a panic attack Winking smile

egg freezing orange county 6 (460x613)

Now I have more information on the process ( it’s complicated!), the cost (!!!)  and vague ideas on odds of success/egg retrieval numbers etc.

It’s  A LOT to think about.

Again, I have no idea if I’m going to pursue this but I wanted to share because it might take me 6 months to decide (or sell a kidney to be able to afford it). But I want to share because it’s a really big deal and it’s personal – but it’s also something we should be able to talk about. This isn’t embarrassing or weird – it’s just where my life is at the same time that science is in a place that can possibly be helpful.

I made a video just to let ya know where I am right now. I don’t know where I’m going, but this is where I am right now this second.

And all the questions and research and prayers and pros/cons… are part of the process. So this video isn’t bullet points of facts on how to freeze your eggs – this is me just talking it out.

As with most things on blogs/social media please remember:  take what is helpful, leave what is not / double check the information you find is correct / do what’s best for YOU, not what’s best for someone else / realize that everyone is on their own life journey / something that’s a good or bad idea for someone else has nothing to do with you.

And even though I share a lot of myself – it doesn’t mean I’m obligated to share everything. So if I don’t feel comfortable talking about certain things, that’s okay and I appreciate your respect of my boundaries. Thank you for reading (and running and eating and repeating).

Question: How many redheads do you know? Real ones.

The post Kickstarter to Save the Redheads appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.


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