Friday 30 June 2017

Reason #28 Why California is the Best… Avocados

Hello! Today’s post is all about Reason #28 Why California is the Best… Avocados! I visited an avocado orchard in Irvine – just one city over from where I live. Boom! The California Avocado Commission and Vons invited a group of bloggers to tour the field and have the most avocado-y lunch ever.

I was super excited because they said there would be a Guacamole Eating Contest! I can dominate that! But it turns out it was a Guacamole Making contest. Oh well, I still ate the most out of anyone.

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The California Avocado Commission offices and this orchard are in Irvine, CA – that’s basically my backyard. I love when I can get local produce like this.

Check out the Pacific Ocean way out in the distance of this pic…

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Baby avocados!

Next year’s avocado crops are lil babies right now. They will be ready to be picked between January and July.

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I learned a few things too! All this time I considered myself an avocado expert since my parents’ have avocado trees and I eat approximately 22 avocados a week. 

I always just pull avocados off the tree when I pick them. You’re supposed to leave a tiny piece of stem, that helps prevent disease that can get into the avocado from the stem spot.

We have a fruit picker with a claw on it but this has a little clipper thing to cut it…

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We had lunch outside. It was a magical avocado picnic…

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Vegan Cauliflower Ceviche – so good! This would be a great dish to bring to a potluck.

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BBQ Tri-tip with Avocado Chimchurri – I’m usually not a beef person but I tried this since it was fancy.

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This. This this this. Avocado Potato Salad. I love avocados. I love potatoes. Put them together and it’s magic.

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Kale salad with avocado dressing.

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Chipotle Portabella Mushrooms topped with avocado relish. This is how vegans don’t miss meat.

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Even the dessert had avocado!!

These are key lime pudding shots.

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We ended the day with our guacamole making contest. I think we all won.

Question: What’s your favorite way to have avocado?

The post Reason #28 Why California is the Best… Avocados appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.


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